Important AnnouncementS:
EVEnt Calendar
Sun God Archery (SGA) is a social, recreational, and competitive archery club at UC San Diego.
SGA is driven to support the personal growth and development of athletes through sport by creating a community focused on continuous improvement and team-based activities. SGA is welcome to all UCSD students, faculty, and staff, as well as Adult archers in the surrounding San Diego community.
Who We ARe
Find out about our organization, mission, our officers and coaches, and our history of leading the collegiate archery community.
UCSD Archery Team
Interested in competing, representing UC San Diego? See what it takes to join the UCSD Archery Team.
What we Do
Learn about the different events and opportunities that SGA offers to all members.
SGA Membership
Get information on membership benefits, requirements, and what it takes to join SGA.