Brandon Chin
Computer Science
Revelle College
Senior Title: Chinpotle
2016-2017 Sun God Archery at UCSD Competitive Team Member
2017 Academic All American Barebow Men
2017 All American Barebow Men
2017 NOCC Barebow Men Team 3rd Place
2017 NOCC Barebow Men Individual 4th Place
Brandon began archery in his Senior year at UCSD after watching the 2016 Summer Olympics. Before, Brandon didn’t know that archery had a competitive side. However, after watching the Olympics, he came to the realization that archery was just as competitive as other sports, thus spurring his interest.
His favorite part of being a member of SGA is the community. He says, “Everyone is really cool, inviting and accepting, and great friends.” Brandon also participated in SGA’s first Family Program. Belonging to the “Team Jason” family, Brandon created many close bonds with other club members that he wouldn’t have been able to make without it.
In his first tournament, State Indoor, nervousness prevented Brandon from shooting his best. However, after more practicing and many hours of dedication, Brandon pushed himself to become the best archer he could be. Finally, in the team’s last Collegiate tournament, Brandon excelled in both the individual and team portions of the National Outdoor Collegiate Championships (NOCC), which was held in Chula Vista and co-hosted by SGA and the Easton Archery Center of Excellence.
Out of all the competitions he attended, NOCC was by far his favorite. Not only did he do really well, but he also didn’t forget to enjoy the experience. He says “it was really fun. I saw a lot of familiar faces, and the competition was strong but friendly at the same time.”
After he graduates, Brandon is going to continue working as a software engineer and continue shooting with SGA as a community member :)
As a side note, if one were to randomly ask for his quiver preference… “Field quivers all day er day!" would be his response!