Chris Lasher

Nanoengineering - Bioengineering specialty

Revelle College

Dungeon Daddy

2018-2019 Director of IT
2019-2021 Equipment Manager

2018 West Regional Recurve Men’s Team Silver

Before entering college, Chris was your typical nerd-type. He loved DnD, video games, and kept to himself more often than not. Growing up in a “barren wasteland” as he describes, this was all Chris could really do. With 5,000 total residents in his home town of Lakeport, there was barely anything to do as a young, school-aged boy. However, if you have met Chris, on or off the field, he is one of the most charming, funny, and interesting people you will have the pleasure of ever meeting. Whether you’ve been shooting with the club for 4 years or 4 months, Chris will talk with you like he’s known you his entire life. He is nice almost to a fault. So much so that he will almost never say no, meaning his schedule is packed with events for one of the many friend groups that he has built from all of his interests. His friends often joke about having to schedule appointment times to hang out with him.

This just serves as a testament to Chris’s ability to work earnestly towards his goals. Something he states he honed through archery. Coming in to college, Chris knew that he wanted to explore himself and the world much deeper than he had been able while growing up. However, he was also kind of clueless as to where to start. He chose to join the archery club because it was one of the few things that he was familiar with from his home town. He first gained an interest in archery at a young age. As a nerd, Chris loved the Lord of the Rings franchise, so when he saw archery available from his boy scouts, Chris jumped at the opportunity. To his surprise, archery was a sport that Chris was naturally pretty good at. Before this, Chris has always been pretty slow to pick up sports, and health concerns made more physically demanding sports too hard for Chris. Thus, he continued with archery, but could only really shoot at summer camps and boy scouts, as there was no high school team, no real public range, and no JOAD program near him.

Upon joining SGA, Chris knew he had found his spot on campus. Not only did SGA offer Chris a field to pursue archery further than he could when he was at home, it offered a fun and welcoming community and a place that Chris could test his skills against his friends and peers. In only his first year shooting with the club, Chris was already able to begin to break out of his shell. Chris wanted to prove himself as a skilled archer that could compete among the rest of his peers. Not only was he able to do that, he qualified higher than the team captain, surprising both himself and the returning members of the club. Being able to compete with the men’s team at West Regionals in 2018 became a defining memory for Chris’s college life. Shooting with his friends, hearing the rest of the team shout “Gold” as he and his teammates hit the yellow, and surprising his peers as Chris held his own on on the team showed to Chris just how far he was able to come as an archer in a short time.

After graduating, Chris plans to pursue his Masters degree in the accelerated masters program for Nanoengineering. He hopes to find a job in the industry, with a potential option of moving abroad for work. However, for the time being, Chris will continue to shoot with the club as he pursues his masters and searches for his first job. We would like to thank Chris for his dedication in improving the club and hope that he has received just as much as he has given to the club.