Dan Ngyuen
Biochem Bio Major
Eleanor Roosevelt College
Senior Nickname: Armed Waifu
2018 SIACC Mixed Team Barebow – Bronze
2019 SIACC Mixed Team Barebow – Silver
2019 NOCC Individual Barebow – Bronze
2019 All-American Male Barebow
Fate has brought the bow into Dan’s hands, both before college and into Sun God Archery. His archery journey began when his sister’s co-worker invited them to go out to Miles Square Park to shoot at the public archery range back when he was in 8th grade. After this, he kept coming back, until his parents finally decided he should get his own bow. Later on in college, it was instead a friend from his 1st year dorm who invited Dan to join her at one of SGA’s beginning of the year GBMs. There, he saw the presentation that he would then see again for the next three years. After going to his first workshop, he was hooked, and came back to be a star archer in SGA’s competitive team.
Dan’s competitive career in archery has been fraught with many highs and lows, clearly reflected in his most memorable, then separately his most favorite memories at the competitive scene. Dan remembers fondly NOCC of 2016, being able to relax and have fun, a stark difference to when he’s on the line shooting. He also loves to think back on eating Lolita’s with the team and cheering on for his teammates (after getting quickly eliminated himself). This is a stark contrast to his most memorable memory, in which at NOCC 2019, Dan was about to win his semifinals match. All he had to do was score at least a white ring on the target. So, he promptly shot a 9 – on the next bail over. Effectively throwing his silver away, but instead walking away with a fantastic story.
In SGA, however, it wasn’t the stress of the competition that was his mortal enemy, or even his inner conflict with being a weeb, but rather performing consistently at the line, the foundational, yet most difficult task of archery. While he believes there’s always room for improvement, he recognizes he has come a long way since he walked on that field during the workshop so many years ago.
After Dan graduates, he’s looking to get into the highest paying job to get out of debt as soon as possible, and maybe even one day coming back to it to go to graduate school. We will miss Dan greatly, and truly hope him the best in his next chapter of life!