Randy Duong

Chemical Engineering

Seventh COllege

Senior Nickname: “*RANDY*”

USA Archery Level 2
2021-2022 Facilities Manager
2022-2023 Facilities Manager
2023-2024 Director of IT
2021-2024 UCSD Archery Competitive Team Member

2024 SGA Apollonian Award

2022 SIACC Barebow Mixed Team Bronze

2023 SIACC Men’s Barebow Team Silver

2024 SIACC Men’s Barebow Team Bronze 

2023 CORR Men’s Barebow - 3rd Place

2023 All-West Men’s Barebow

Randy has been a major club member during his time here at SGA and has helped make our club a great place for new and returning members to the sport of archery. Having been introduced to the sport in PE before his time at UCSD, he explored his interest in the sport at school and with his friend’s bow at their house. Later on, as he was researching colleges, he stumbled upon SGA and, after getting accepted to UCSD, decided to join the club and the community.

During his time with SGA, Randy was a dedicated team member and traveled to competitions with the team. It was through these competitions that he shared many experiences with everyone, with his weirdest one going to Denny’s at Westies 2023 in Sacramento. It was here that a series of unreal events followed.  Having finished a day of shooting, the team decided to go to Denny’s to grab food, but after arriving, the sole waiter was on break, and the entire group of 11 people were forced to wait outside the restaurant for the employee to finish their break. However, things would get even weirder as a previous member, Matthew Oh, almost got locked in the Denny’s bathroom, forcing him to pry open the lock with their fingernails to get out. Things would continue to get stranger as soon as a random man got themselves locked in the same bathroom and started yelling to be let out, giving everybody a scare. All that is to say, Randy will definitely not be going back to use the coupon cards they got that night.

Having shot and competed for so long, Randy’s advice to new archers is to “Don’t think about it too much” and “don’t get frustrated.”

After college, Randy aims to return to the Bay Area and find a job. 

For having sacrificed countless hours to help out and being a major member of the club, we would like to express our profound gratitude to Randy and wish for his continued success as he moves onto a new stage in his career.