Warren Au
Biochemistry/Cell Biology
Warren College
Senior Nickname: The Martial Master
USA Archery Level 2 Instructor
2017-2018 Social Chair
2018 National Outdoor Collegiate Championship Men's Recurve Team - Silver
Warren stumbled upon archery at the beginning of his sophomore year while looking for a sport that didn’t require running or intense exertion. After trying it out, he found it really relaxing so he decided to continue and join the team. To him, going to the field to shoot became, as he describes it, “a source of mental clarity and relaxation”.
Of all the years he’s been in SGA, there are two memories that stand out. This first one was during his first year in archery when he managed to get an 8 average for each shot at 70 meters. Being able to do that gave him such a huge boost of confidence that he felt ready to go zombie hunting. The second one was collaboratively contributing to the "gaem [sic] plan" for the men's recurve team at the National Outdoor Collegiate Championship this year. This plan entailed the person calling arrows to shout "Johnathan's legs" for any shot in the white rings, "Daddy Arsi" for any shot in the black rings, "My tears" for blue rings, and normal calls for the rest. He states, “It was amusing to see how much the team enjoyed this and participated in carrying it out. We thought we'd get out in the second round but funnily enough, we actually made it to the finals and got silver.”
In terms of the defining moment of his time in archery, he provided a quick and bittersweet answer. “The defining moment is its ending. It makes me recall all of the fun moments - all the dumb things that turned into hilarious moments and all the good times - it's like having your life flash before your eyes, but it's archery.”
When asked what wisdom he’d like to impart on new and current archers he says, “Believing in yourself is the first step to shooting better. If that doesn’t work, do more SPTs.” As for a senior quote that would summarize his whole experience, he kept it very simple: “Thanks, you’re pretty too.” (if you’re interested in the backstory of this quote, be sure to ask him the next time you see him.)
After he graduates he plans to finish his TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification and then travel abroad to Asia where he’ll teach or work for an indeterminate number of years while exploring entrepreneurial business opportunities (like opening a transnational comfort food restaurant or cafe).
His natural ability to make others feel comfortable and have fun at the field has been felt by many of our members and will definitely be missed. We wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavors! Congratulations on graduating!