Yashwanth Nannapaneni
Computer Science
Warren College
Senior Nickname: The Nerdiest Naan-a-panini
2016-2018 Team Captain
2016 National Indoor Collegiate Championship Male Barebow - Silver
2016 Western Regional Male Barebow - Silver
2016 Western Regional Male Barebow Team - Gold
2016 National Outdoor Collegiate Championship Male Barebow - Silver
2016 All-American Male Barebow
2016 Academic All-American Male Barebow
2016 All-West Male Barebow
2017 National Indoor Collegiate Championship Male Barebow – Gold
2017 National Indoor Junior Male Barebow - Gold
2017 Western Regional Male Barebow Team - Silver
2017 All-American Male Barebow
2017 Academic All-American Male Barebow
2017 All-West Male Barebow
2018 Western Regional Male Barebow - Bronze
2018 National Outdoor Collegiate Championship Male Barebow - Bronze
2018 National Outdoor Collegiate Championship Male Barebow Team - Gold
2018 All-American Male Barebow
2018 All-American Male Barebow
2018 All-West Male Barebow
Yashwanth started archery his first year at UCSD with the traditional archery rec class and then moved to SGA because he wanted to shoot with other students. His roommate originally brought him along to the workshops and then they joined the traditional rec class together because it fit their schedule best. Eventually, however, his roommate dropped off but Yash wanted to continue and then joined SGA. When he joined archery, he enjoyed all the coaching he received, especially from Thomas (a community member), and hanging out with other archers like Kelton, Joyce, and Johnathan. He became more and more involved in archery because it felt great to shoot a good shot, which only comes from practicing more.
Yash’s favorite part of being a member of SGA is the community – the people are the reason he continued to come to practice despite hard points in his archery career. Just being at practice, hanging out with other people, and being a part of this community has made him many friends here at UCSD. If Yash could provide one piece of advice to incoming archers it would be to not forget to have fun even when you are under pressure to shoot well.
In regards to defining memories, Yash does not have just one: his whole archery career has been defining. Of course, there are high points in which he won national medals, but also some low points that have helped him mature and grow as both an archer and a person. “Being able to push through low points makes you a better person and archer because you struggle through it even when it’s hard”. Other important moments in Yash’s time with SGA were the team socials, like dinner at Souplantation in which the tables had a competition of who could eat the most bowls of soup. All together they probably had over 100 bowls!
After he graduates, Yashwanth will be going to graduate school for a Masters in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, PA. We wish him the very best of luck in all future endeavors and we hope he can find the time to visit us in the future. His warm smile and positive spirit will be greatly missed. Congratulations on graduating!!