
Sun God Archery at UCSD is open to anyone interested in joining! This includes all UCSD students, alumni, faculty, and staff, as well as people in the surrounding San Diego community.

SGA Membership has a few requirements that must be met, but comes with many benefits as well as opportunities to represent us at competition and participate in our many events throughout the year!



  • Practice Hours - Every member has access to all 22 of our practice hours.
  • Equipment - Members can use club equipment, at no cost, for as long as they want.
  • Discounts - Members have access to almost (some are collegiate only) all of our club discounts which can save them up to 50% on equipment.
  • Coaching - All members have access to high level coaching at no cost which can support their growth and development regardless of whether they are brand new to the sport or have years of experience.
  • Community - The collegiate archery community is about having great experiences and enjoying the sport while succeeding at school and working towards supporting your goals and aspirations, including career and life goals.
  • Leadership Opportunities - Our most dedicated members become our leaders who learn critical skills in management, strategy, problem solving, project management, and business.